Be Like a Circus Performer

Embrace the Circus Performer Mentality.

Francesco Bottoni


August 12, 2023

Running a startup successfully often requires adopting the mindset of a circus performer. Imagine everyone coming to watch a show, where the same performer who wows the audience with a somersault is the one who took your ticket and ushered you to your seat.

Being a generalist is often the best approach — and sometimes, the only road to success.

If the term generalist doesn’t resonate with you, think of yourself as a versatile circus performer.

Embrace the idea of tearing up the ticket, giving a stellar performance, and then dismantling your equipment.

Yes, you have to be ready to step outside your comfort zone, and at times, even your passion, if you truly want to excel.

Now, I’m performing.

Buy my ticket.

If you have any suggestions, recommendations, or corrections please reach out to me.