Confusion Matrix

Wikibot Confusion Matrix.

Francesco Bottoni


November 15, 2022

What’s Confusion Matrix

Confusion Matrix, is a matrix and… we all agree.

Confusion Matrix can answer to the questions: - How is going the prediction? - Which one I constantly missed?

Confusion Matrix is composed by following components:

What’s TP? - True Positive: it’s what the model have predicted right. On my current work I’m trying to predict the weight of a box (about 11 classes). The box weight 750? Yes, it falls into TP recipient. If not, it falls into FP.

What’s FP? - False Positive: it’s what the model have predicted wrong. The model thought the box weight 750 KG but it isn’t. Wrong prediction.

What’s TN: - True Negative: the model understood that box weight isn’t 750 KG. It falls into TN recipient. If not, it falls into FN.

What’s FN: - False Negative: the model predicted not 750 KG and was wrong. It falls into FN recipient. it’s the opposite behavior of FP. Someone would say: invert. always invert

When Confusion Matrix

This kind of matrix is applicable only on Classification Problem.

Why Confusion Matrix

On top of Confusion Matrix have been developer lots of metrics. : - Accuracy - Precision - Recall - F-Score - AUC ROC


If you have any suggestions, recommendations, or corrections please reach out to me.